ASEAN Economic Issues (February 2024)Trade & Investment Unit, ASEAN-Korea Centre

1. Korea’s Trade to ASEAN Countries (as of January 2024)

Unit: 1 million (USD)

Country/Region December 2023 December 2022 2023 2022
Export Import Total Total Total Total
Total (Korea) 54,700 54,372 105,376 1,274,977 1,274,977 1,274,977
ASEAN 8,761 7,478 15,442 187,179 187,179
Brunei Darussalam 7 97 104 8 466 345
Cambodia 66 49 115 92 1,052 1,051
Indonesia 615 1,322 1,937 2,099 21,287 25,951
Lao PDR 10 13 22 17 194 150
Malaysia 771 1,368 2,140 2,221 25,005 26,723
Myanmar 22 54 76 113 1,240 1,013
Philippines 703 396 1,099 1,313 13,654 17,484
Singapore 1,740 984 2,724 2,185 29,937 30,553
Thailand 638 551 1,188 1,224 14,916 16,461
Vietnam 4,189 2,645 6,835 6,170 79,428 87,688
China 10,684 12,392 23,076 22,348 267,662 310,366
Japan 2,538 3,752 6,290 6,249 76,676 85,318

Reference: Korea Customs Service

(Overall) Korea exported $54.7 billion (18.0%), imported $54.4 billion (-7.8%), and recorded a trade surplus of $3 billion. In January, exports to China reached $10.7 billion, marking the first year over year increase in 20 months and semiconductors, a key export, registered a 56.2% increase compared to the same month the previous year.

(By Country) Exports increased in eight of the nine major export markets, excluding the CIS (Commonwealth of Independent States); US (26.9%) ∙China (16.1%) ∙Vietnam (11.1%) ∙Japan (10.6%).
* Nine major export markets: China, US, ASEAN, EU, Japan, India, Middle East, Latin America, CIS

(By category) Exports of 13 out of the 15 major export items climbed, with semiconductor exports, reaching $9.4 billion. Automobile exports ascended for the 19th consecutive month, posting a January high on record ($6.2 billion).

(Korea’s trade surplus) US ($4.1 billion), ASEAN ($1.2 billion), Vietnam ($1.5 billion)

(Policy Direction) According to the Minister of the Ministry of Trade, Industry, and Energy (MOTIE), they will fully support the gradual recovery of Korea’s exports to attain the challenging goal of highest exports this year. In addition, the MOTIE will also prepare a 2024 pan-ministerial export expansion strategy and continue to promote the highest trade finance of ₩355 trillion, support Korean exporters with ₩1 trillion for export marketing and dispatch strategic trade missions to 10 major countries.” (Link)

2. Overview of Korea’s FTA with AMS and the ASEAN-Korea FTA (Link)

□ Effectuated FTAs

Country FTA Utilization(%)
Export/Import (2023.Q4)
Signed Effectuated Significance
Singapore 2005.08 2006.03 Bridgehead for ASEAN market penetration
ASEAN 69.2/74.3 Trade in Goods Agreement First FTA with world’s large economic bloc
2006.08 2007.06
Trade in Services Agreement
2007.11 2009.05
Investment Agreement
2009.06 2009.09
Vietnam 65.0/87.7 2015.05 2015.12 The 3rd trading partner of Korea (as of 2023)
2020.11 2022.02 Contribution to economic integration in East Asia
Cambodia 42.3/28.2 2021.10 2022.12 Contribution of Southeast Asian Market Expansion
Indonesia 73.5/37.0 2020.12 2023.01 Contribution of Southeast Asian Market Expansion

□ Signed FTA

Country Launched Fifth round of negotiations Signed Significance
Philippines 2019.06 2019.06-2020.01 2021.10 Contribution of Southeast Asian Market Expansion

* The sum of Korea’s trade with these five countries (Singapore, Vietnam, Cambodia, Indonesia and the Philippines) takes up 91 percent of Korea’s total trade with ASEAN as of 2022.

□ Under Negotiation

Country Progress Significance
Malaysia 2019.07-2019.09 Contribution of Southeast Asian Market Expansion
Upgrade of AKFTA 2010.10-2021.07 Trade Expansion and reflection of changes in trade environment

(Reference) Korea Customs Service launched a service that provides FTA preferential tariff rate information as a tailored support to Korean companies. (19 January 2024) (Link)

The Korea Customs Service announced that it has launched new service that provides FTA preferential tax rate information for four countries (China, Vietnam, India and Indonesia) on the Trade MyData platform ( to utilize the optimal tariff rate for each company and reduce tariffs in line with the increasing number of countries that have FTA with multiple countries. The mentioned countries are destinations that have signed several FTAs with Korea as well as have a lot of trade volume and customs challenges at the same time. The service is expected to help Korean exporters enhance their trade competitiveness.


ASEAN Economic Issues (February 2024)

1. 2024년 1월 수출입 동향

단위: 백만 불

Country/Region December 2023 December 2022 2023 2022
Export Import Total Total Total Total
Total (Korea) 54,700 54,372 105,376 1,274,977 1,274,977 1,274,977
ASEAN 8,761 7,478 15,442 187,179 187,179
Brunei Darussalam 7 97 104 8 466 345
Cambodia 66 49 115 92 1,052 1,051
Indonesia 615 1,322 1,937 2,099 21,287 25,951
Lao PDR 10 13 22 17 194 150
Malaysia 771 1,368 2,140 2,221 25,005 26,723
Myanmar 22 54 76 113 1,240 1,013
Philippines 703 396 1,099 1,313 13,654 17,484
Singapore 1,740 984 2,724 2,185 29,937 30,553
Thailand 638 551 1,188 1,224 14,916 16,461
Vietnam 4,189 2,645 6,835 6,170 79,428 87,688
China 10,684 12,392 23,076 22,348 267,662 310,366
Japan 2,538 3,752 6,290 6,249 76,676 85,318

출처: 관세청(월별 업데이트)

(총괄) 한국 수출 547억 달러(18.0%), 수입 544억 달러(-7.8%), 무역수지 3억 달러 흑자 기록함.
對중국 수출 20개월만에 플러스 전환, 반도체 수출은 56.2% 증가 기록함.

(국가별 수출) 9대 주요 시장 중 중앙아시아를 제외한 8개 시장으로의 수출 모두 증가함. 미국(26.9%)∙중국(16.1%)∙베트남(11.1%)∙일본(10.6%)
* 주요 9대 시장: 중국, 미국, 아세안, EU, 일본, 인도, 중동, 중남미, CIS

(품목별 수출) 15대 주력 수출품목 중 13개 품목 수출 증가하였고 최대 수출품목인 반도체 수출은 94억 달러 기록함. 역대 1월 중 최대 수출실적을 기록한 자동차 수출은 63억 달러 기록함.

(주요 흑자국) 미국(41억 달러), 아세안(12억 달러), 베트남(15억 달러)

(평가 및 정책방향) 안덕근 산업통상자원부 장관은 “올해 역대 최대 수출실적이라는 목표를 달성하기 위해 우리 수출의 점진적인 회복을 전폭적으로 지원하겠다”고 밝혔음. 이어 2024년 범부처 수출확대 전략을 마련해 355조원의 무역금융을 지속적으로 추진하고, 우리 기업의 수출마케팅 1조원 지원과 주요 10개국 전략무역사절단 파견 등을 추진하겠다고 발표함. (Link)

2. 한국과 아세안 간 FTA 체결 현황 (Link)

□ 발효된 FTA

상대국 수출입 활용률(%)
2023.Q4 기준
서명 발효 의의
싱가포르 2005.08 2006.03 아세안 시장 교두보
아세안 69.2/74.3 상품무역협정 거대경제권과
체결한 최초의 FTA
2006.08 2007.06
2007.11 2009.05
2009.06 2009.09
베트남 65.0/87.7 2015.05 2015.12 한국의 제3위 투자대상국
(‘23년 기준)
(아세안, 중, 일, 호, 뉴)
2020.11 2022.02 동아시아 경제통합 기여
캄보디아 42.3/28.2 2021.10 2022.12 동남아 시장 진출 확대
인도네시아 73.5/37.0 2020.12 2023.01 동남아 시장 진출 확대

□ 서명/타결된 FTA

상대국 협상개시 5차례 협상 개최 타결 의의
Philippines 2019.06 2019.06-2020.01 2021.10 동남아 시장 진출 확대

* The sum of Korea’s trade with these five countries (Singapore, Vietnam, Cambodia, Indonesia and the Philippines) takes up 91 percent of Korea’s total trade with ASEAN as of 2022.

□ 협상중인 FTA

상대국 추진현황 의의
말레이시아 2019.07-2019.09 동남아 시장 진출 확대
한-아세안 추가 자유화 2010.10-2021.07 교역 확대, 통상환경 변화 반영

(참고) 관세청, FTA 특혜세율 정보 기업맞춤형 제공 서비스 개시 (2024.01.19) (Link)

관세청은 1국 다협정 국가가 증가하는 추세에 따라 기업별 최적세율 활용 및 관세절감 효과를 위한 `수출입기업 마이데이터 종합관리 플랫폼’(에서 중국, 베트남, 인도, 인도네시아 4개국에 대한 FTA 특혜세율 정보를 제공하는 서비스를 개시했다고 밝혔음. 서비스 제공 4개국은 우리나라와 여러 FTA를 동시에 체결하고 있으면서도 교역량이 많고 해외 통관애로가 빈번히 발생하는 국가로, 해당 서비스를 통해 우리 수출기업들의 무역경쟁력 제고에 도움이 될 것으로 예상됨.


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