AKC Activities
한-아세안센터는 2021년 12월 21일 “2021 한-아세안 학술 에세이 공모전” 시상식을 비대면으로 개최했습니다. 2016년부터 시작한 동 공모전은 한국과 아세안 대학생/대학원생들을 아세안 지역 협력과 한-아세안 관계에 대한 관심과 이해를 제고하기 위해 기획되어, 올해는 총 129편의 에세이가 접수되었고, 제시된 주제안에서 가장 독창적이고 논리적인 견해를 제시한 10편의 에세이를 선정, 시상했습니다. 이번 공모전은 한국동남아학회, 서울대학교 아시아연구소, 브루나이 국립대학교와 공동 주최했고, 외교부, 아세안대학네트워크, 아세안 파운데이션, 아세안 사무국이 후원했습니다.
올해 대상은 “청년의 상호 문화이해를 위한 디지털 미디어의 역할”을 논의한 필리핀 아시아태평양대학교 (University of Asia and the Pacific)의 석사과정 학생들이 차지했습니다. 수상작은 센터 홈페이지에서 읽어볼 수 있습니다.
한국과 아세안 각지에서 온라인으로 접속한 수상자들은 90초 에세이 소개 영상을 준비하여 에세이를 발표하고 수상의 기쁨을 나누었습니다. 이어진 세션에서는 ‘메콩 지역의 지속 가능한 개발’과 ‘코로나19 회복을 위한 한-아세안 협력’을 주제로 아피차이 순친다(Apichai Sunchindah) 전 아세안 파운데이션 대표와 정해문 전 주태국 대사의 특강이 진행되었습니다.
The ASEAN-Korea Centre on December 21, 2021, held an online awards ceremony for the ten winning essays of the ‘2021 ASEAN-Korea Academic Essay Contest’. This year, 129 essays from university students across all ten ASEAN member states and Korea were submitted on their observations and innovative ideas related to three themes. Now in its sixth year, the event was jointly organized by the Korea Association of Southeast Asian Studies (KASEAS), Seoul National University’s Asia Center, and Universiti Brunei Darussalam of Brunei, with support from the Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ASEAN University Network, ASEAN Foundation, and ASEAN Secretariat.
The grand prize went to a team from the Philippines for its winning essay “Ready, Set, Action: the Role of Digital Media Tools in Harnessing Youth Power for Greater Cultural Understanding.” The full text of the winning essays can be found on AKC’s website.
After the ceremony, the winners and participants also received the opportunity to learn more about ASEAN-Korea relations through two lectures held in the webinar. The first lecture given by Apichai Sunchindah, former executive director of the ASEAN Foundation, shared the challenges of and opportunities for sustainable development in the Mekong region. The second featured former Korean Ambassador to Thailand Chung Hae-moon providing an overview of initiatives between ASEAN and Korea in “building back together better” amid the COVID-19 pandemic.
List of Winners in 2021 ASEAN-Korea Academic Essay Contest
Award | Winner(s) | Title of winning essay |
Grand prize | Sophia Marie C. Mauleon & Alyssa Camille Palenzuela Dalizon (Philippines) | Ready, Set, Action: The Role of Digital Media Tools in Harnessing Youth Power for Greater Cultural Understanding |
Second prize | Jeong Hyungjoo & Chia Ying Shyan Hannah (Korea & Singapore) | A Tale of Two Locales: Cross-Cultural Perceptions and (Mis)understandings between ASEAN and the Republic of Korea |
Annisa Pratamasari (Indonesia) | Building Partnership in Overcoming COVID-19 through City Diplomacy: The Cases of Sister City and Sister Province between Indonesia and Korea | |
Third prize | Bui Thi Ngoc Thuy & Nguyen Ha Phuong (Vietnam) | Strengthening Mekong-Korea cooperation: Promoting synergies among Mekong cooperative mechanisms on climate change mitigation and adaptation towards sustainable development |
Claire Lim (Singapore) | Strengthening ASEAN-Korea Cooperation in Mitigating the Impact of Climate Change and Promoting Sustainable Development in the Mekong Region | |
Special recognition | Tang Zepeng & Wong Jun Hao (Singapore) | The Emerging Korean Leadership on Sustainability in Mekong |
Hirzawati Atikah binti Mohd Tahir & Siti Noor Adillah binti Masrol (Malaysia) | Strengthening ASEAN-Korea Partnership in Overcoming the COVID-19 Challenges: New Southern Policy Beyond the Pandemic | |
Thim Rachna (Cambodia) | ASEAN-ROK: What does the future hold for Mekong’s Climate Change? | |
Lee Jongsung & Cho Sobin (Korea) | Strengthening ASEAN-Korea cooperation in mitigating the impact of climate change and promoting sustainable development in the Mekong region | |
Li Wee An & Mahmood Muhammad Azim (Brunei) | The Role of Youth in Promoting Mutual Understanding between ASEAN and Korea towards a sustainable and future-oriented ASEAN-Korea Partnership |