Participation in KASEAS Annual Conference 2024
2024 한국동남아학회(KASEAS) 연례학술대회 참석
The ASEAN-Korea Centre (AKC) participated in the ‘Korea Association of Southeast Asian Studies(KASEAS) Annual Conference 2024’ held in Busan on 29-30 August. Secretary General Kim Jae-shin of the AKC attended the opening ceremony of the conference and delivered a congratulatory speech, highlighting the ongoing development of ASEAN-Korea relations and the importance of cooperation between the AKC and the KASEAS.
This year’s Conference took place at Pukyong National University under the theme ”Discussing Connection and Inclusion in Southeast Asia amidst the Era of Conflict and Division.” The Conference fostered extensive academic discourse through various sessions, including discussions on Southeast Asian political issues, ASEAN-Korea economic relations and development cooperation, as well as panel discussions with emerging researchers and ASEAN scholars in Korea. Furthermore, the AKC’s 2 grand-prized winners from the ‘2024 ASEAN-Korea Academic Essay Contest’ also had an opportunity to present their winning essays during the Conference on 30 August.
The ‘2024 ASEAN-Korea Academic Essay Contest’ was held under the theme of “Way Forward to Enhance ASEAN-Korea Relations in the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership (CSP) Era” (AKC April Newsletter). The six winners of this year’s Contest were announced on 9 August, and the details can be found in the table below.
한-아세안센터는 8월 29일부터 30일까지 부산에서 한국동남아학회가 주최한 ‘2024 한국동남아학회 연례학술대회’에 참석하였습니다. 김재신 한-아세안센터 사무총장은 연례학술대회 개회식 축사를 통해 한국과 아세안의 관계 발전과 한-아세안센터와 한국동남아학회 간 협력의 중요성을 강조하였습니다.
올해 연례학술대회는 “갈등과 분열의 시대, 동남아시아의 연결과 포용을 이야기하다”를 주제로, 양일간 국립부경대학교에서 개최되었습니다. 이번 학술대회에서는 한-아세안센터가 개최한 ‘2024 한-아세안 학술에세이 공모전’의 수상작 발표 세션을 비롯해 동남아시아의 정치적 현안, 한-아세안 경제 관계 및 개발 협력, 주한 아세안 학자 세션, 신진 연구자 패널 등 다양한 분과회의가 운영되며 풍성한 학술 논의가 이루어졌습니다.
‘2024 한-아세안 학술에세이 공모전’은 “포괄적인 전략적 파트너십 시대에서 한-아세안 관계 확대를 위한 방안”을 주제로 개최되었으며 (한-아세안센터 뉴스레터 4월호), 지난 8월 9일 6명의 수상자가 아래와 같이 발표되었습니다.
Information on Winners
Category | Name | Nationality | Essay Title |
Grand Prize | Sua Cho | Republic of Korea | Catalyzing ASEAN-Korea Green Entrepreneurship as a tool to enhance ASEAN-Korea Relations in the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership (CSP) Era |
Dany Pambudi | Indonesia | Bridging Innovation: Empowering ASEAN-Korea Collaboration through Technological Partnerships | |
Excellence Prize | Lee Ye Eun | Republic of Korea | Smart Cities Themed on Historical and Cultural Cities within the Korean-ASEAN Region: An Analysis Compare of Smart City project in Vietnam and Gyeongju |
Novia Cuyanto | Indonesia | Fostering Sustainable and Equal ASEAN-Korea Partnerships through Expanded People-to-People Partnerships: An Application of the Theory of Planned Behavior | |
Merit Prize | Mohammad Rafiy S. Kindi | Philippines | Common Political Values for a United ASEAN-Korea Community: ASEAN’s Struggle for Democracy, The Korean Effect, and the Development of ASEAN-Korea Comprehensive Strategic Partnership |
Anna Joyce Mateo Dalisay | Philippines | Through the Lens of Translanguaging: Enhancing ASEAN-ROK Students’ Reading Comprehension toward Youth Diplomacy and Global Communication |