2023 ASEAN-Korea Academic Essay Contest
2023 한-아세안 학술에세이 공모전
This year, 8 winning essays were successfully selected for the ‘2023 ASEAN-Korea Academic Essay Contest*’, which was held under the theme of ’Strengthening ASEAN-Korea Strategic Partnership in a Changing Global Landscape’.
*Since 2016, the AKC has annually organized the ‘ASEAN-Korea Academic Essay Contest’ to enhance youth’s interest and engagement on issues that are important to the current and future partnership between ASEAN and Korea.
Open to university students of ASEAN and Korean nationalities, entries were received based on two sub-topics: 1) Current discourse and perception on ASEAN-Korea relations and ways towards improving perceptions, and 2) Synergies in digital and green initiatives for sustainable and mutually beneficial ASEAN-Korea partnership. The awarding ceremony to contest winners was held on October 31 in conjunction with the 2023 ASEAN-Korea Forum. In addition to cash prizes, winners of the Grand, Excellence, and Merit Prizes also had the opportunity to present their winning essays at the 2023 ASEAN-Korea Forum.
The list of winners and compilation of winning essays can be viewed on the AKC’s website.
‘2023 한-아세안 학술에세이 공모전*’ 수상작인 총 8편의 에세이 모음집이 센터 홈페이지에 게재되었습니다.
*2016년부터 시작한 동 공모전은 한국과 아세안 대학생/대학원생들을 아세안 지역 협력과 한-아세안 관계에 대한 관심과 이해를 제고하기 위해 기획되었습니다.
올해 공모전은 “변화하는 글로벌 환경 속에서 한-아세안 전략적 파트너십 강화”라는 주제하에 두가지 세부 주제별로 총 8팀의 수상자를 선정했습니다. 대상•금상•장려상 수상자(3팀)에게는 10월 31일에 개최된 “2023 한-아세안 포럼”에서 발표할 기회가 주어졌습니다.
에세이 주제 1: 한-아세안 관계에 대한 담론과 인식, 그리고 인식 개선을 위한 방안
에세이 주제 2: 지속 가능하고 상호 이익이 되는 한-아세안 파트너십을 위한 디지털 및 친환경 이니셔티브의 시너지 효과
Grand Prize (1) | Adilla Zalfaa Febriana & Talitha Fainaya Rahma | Indonesia | Utilizing The Online Community through ASEAN-KNECT: Intercultural Competence Development in ASEAN and Korean Youths |
Excellence Prize (1) | Le Thi Trang | Vietnam | Reshaping Korean Youth Perception toward ASEAN : The Role of Media |
Merit Prize (1) | Wendi Wiliyanto & Widhi Hanantyo Suryadinata | Indonesia | Green Energy Transition in ASEAN-ROK: The Nexus of Circular Economy Principles and Digitisation on Waste Management |
Special Mention Award (5) | Ade Meirizal & Cindy Juliana |
Indonesia | Asia’s Emerging Space Actor: ROK-ASEAN on Satellite for Environmental Protection Cooperation and Sustainability |
Rizky C. Anugrah | Indonesia | Winning Hearts and Taste Buds: Improving ASEAN-Korea Youth Perception Through Culinary Exchanges | |
Yisag Kim & Jong Hyuk Choi |
Republic of Korea | Analysis of Korean Discourse and Perceptions on ASEAN using LDA Topic Modeling: Analyzing Korean News Coverage and Discussing How Korean Perceptions on ASEAN can be Enhanced | |
Isabelle Pia Sison | Philippines | From Script to Society: The Impact of Korean Media’s ASEAN Representation on Shaping Cross-Cultural Perceptions – The Philippine Context | |
Thuc Anh Ta | Vietnam | The Role of the Entertainment Industry in Bridging the Perception Gap between Korean and ASEAN Youth |