AKC Activities
한-아세안센터는 4월 20일(수) 대외경제정책연구원(KIEP, 원장 김흥종)과 코리아중앙데일리(KJD, 대표 정철근)와 공동으로 「2022 한-아세안 무역투자 라운드테이블」을 개최했습니다.
올해 2회째를 맞은 라운드테이블은 한-아세안센터 유튜브 채널을 통해 생중계되었으며, ‘한-아세안 비즈니스 전망 및 역내포괄적경제동반자협정(RCEP)’을 주제로 논의가 이루어졌습니다. 구체적으로, 아세안 사무국과 대외경제정책연구원, 관계부처 연사들이 한국과 아세안 간 무역협정의 주요 논점인 ▲상품 무역, ▲원산지 규정, ▲통관 절차 및 무역 원활화, ▲전자상거래에 대해 집중적으로 토론하는 자리가 되었습니다.
On April 20, the ASEAN-Korea Trade and Investment Roundtable 2022 was held under the theme of “Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) and the Business Prospects between ASEAN-Korea.” This year, the roundtable was hosted by the ASEAN-Korea Centre (AKC) in partnership with the Korea Institute for International and Economic Policy (KIEP) and the Korea JoongAng Daily.
Marking its second anniversary this year, the roundtable, which was broadcasted live through the AKC YouTube channel, examined key aspects and benefits of the RCEP agreement covering topics on Trade in Goods (TIG), Rules of Origin (ROO), Customs Procedures and Trade Facilitation (CPTF) and e-Commerce, as well as discussed its significance to the ASEAN-Korea FTA. Invited speakers included those from the ASEAN Economic Community of the ASEAN Secretariat, KIEP as well as panelists from relevant ministries, institutes, and business organizations from ASEAN and Korea.