AKC Activities
주한아세안교수협의회(CAPK)는 지난 2019년 발족 이후 한국과 아세안을 연결하는 가교 역할을 강화하기 위해 다양한 활동을 진행하고 있습니다. 2021년 CAPK는 아세안 및 한-아세안 관계에 대한 이해와 인식을 제고하기 위해 국내 거주 아세안 학자들을 대상으로 출판 프로젝트를 시행했습니다.
이번 4월호에는 Ms. Thi Nghi Phuong(베트남)의 논평과 Dr. Nur Atiqah Raduan(브루나이 다루살람)의 에세이 총 2편을 소개합니다.
저자 소개
Ms. Nur Atiqah Raduan은 브루나이 국적으로 지난 2021년 8월 서울대학교 농산업교육과 박사학위를 취득했습니다. 영국 스완지 대학에서 환경생물학 석사를 취득한 저자는 브루나이와 동남아시아에서 진행되고 있는 청소년 개발 프로젝트의 열렬한 지지가입니다. 그녀는 이번 4월호 CAPK 출판 프로젝트를 위해 외국인 유학생의 학습 문화수용을 주한 브루나이 유학생의 경험을 중심으로 분석했습니다.
*이 글에서 저자가 밝힌 의견 및 견해는 전적으로 저자 개인의 의견으로 한-아세안센터 또는 주한아세안교수협의회의 공식 의견과 무관함을 밝힙니다.
Since its establishment in 2019, the Council of ASEAN Professors in Korea (CAPK) has undertaken a number of activities towards strengthening its role as a bridge between the peoples of ASEAN and Korea. In 2021, with the objective to further raise awareness and understanding of ASEAN and ASEAN-Korea relations, CAPK piloted a publication project that featured a series of academic papers by ASEAN scholars in Korea.
In the April edition of the CAPK publication series, CAPK welcomes contributions from two of its members, Ms. Thi Nghi Phuong (Viet Nam) and Dr. Nur Atiqah Raduan (Brunei Darussalam).
Author Biography
Nur Atiqah Raduan is of Bruneian nationality and earned a PhD in agricultural and vocational education from Seoul National University in August 2021. She also holds a master’s degree in environmental biology from Swansea University in the UK, and is an active advocate for youth development projects both in Brunei Darussalam and in Southeast Asia.
The opinions and views expressed in this article are solely the authors’ own and do not reflect the opinions or views of the ASEAN-Korea Centre (AKC) or CAPK.
The academic acculturation of Southeast Asian students is critical to help ease the adjustment process for academic life in Korea and as a way to better attract talented workforce into Korea. On the other hand, it is also important for the development of Korean students’ intercultural competencies. This study seeks to examine the phenomenological lived experiences in the academic journey of 6 Bruneians who have graduated or studied in Korea for more than 3 years. Findings show that despite the positive outlook on their whole learning experiences, several challenges still remain, such as the feeling of being a “Waegukin” (foreigner) in learning spaces, difficulty in forming long term connections with Korean classmates, and being posed to either a ‘glass-ceiling’ expectation or a low academic expectation from professors and peers. Self-regulatory practices and learning pose as a critical coping mechanism to academic acculturative stress for these students. Finally, their adaptation to the “Palli-Palli (acting quickly)” culture and non-adaptation to the “Hwaesik (dining out) first intimate later” culture is eminent from the in-depth interviews. Implications can be drawn especially in terms of improving the ASEAN-Korea people-to-people exchanges.
(에세이 전문 읽기 / Read the Essay Here)