*아래는 아세안센터에서 진행하는 5 아세안 학술에세이 공모전에 대한 The Korea Times 기사입니다. 기사 원문은 하단의 링크를 참고바랍니다.


 The COVID-19 pandemic is increasingly changing communi­cation methods worldwide, with more people relying on digital technology amid lockdowns and social distancing measures.

The young populations of Korea and ASEAN nations, in accordance with people-to-peo­ple exchanges underlined by the two sides, will need to keep up with emerging trends in digital cooperation. This is what the ASEAN-Korea Centre wants to discuss in its annual essay contest open to undergraduate and grad­uate students.

A Seoul-based international organization tasked with ASEAN cooperation, the center is co-or­ganizer of the 5th ASEAN-Ko­rea Academic Essay Contest along with the Center for ASEAN and Indian Studies at the Korea National Diplomatic Academy and the Centre for Strategic and International Studies in Indonesia (CSIS Indonesia).



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