In December 2020, total trade volume between ASEAN and Korea recorded 14.1 billion USD, totaling trade volume of 143.9 billion USD between ASEAN and Korea in 2020. In December, trade with Vietnam took up the most portion of 49% (7 billion USD), followed by Malaysia and Singapore of 12% (1.8 billion USD), 12% (1.7 billion USD) respectively.

Trade Volume between ASEAN and Korea (as of December 2020)

  Source: Korea Customs Service

Trade Volume between ASEAN Member States and Korea (as of December 2020)
December 2019
December 2020
Viet Nam  44.1%
Malaysia 13.5% 
Singapore 14.6%
Indonesia 10.2%
Thailand  8.3% 
Philippines 7.6% 
Myanmar 0.9% 
Cambodia 0.7% 
Brunei Darussalam 0.1% 
Lao PDR 0.0%
Viet Nam  49.4% 
Malaysia 12.4% 
Singapore 11.9%
Indonesia 10.9% 
Thailand  8.2%  
Philippines 6.0% 
Myanmar 0.6%
Cambodia 0.6% 
Brunei Darussalam 0.0% 
Lao PDR 0.0%

Source: Korea Customs Service


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