June 2023

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Major News in ASEAN


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Find out about major ASEAN headlines from the past month


ASEAN Economic Issues


■ Korea’s Trade to ASEAN countries (As of April 2023)

단위 : 백만 불

Country/Region April 2023 April 2022 2022
Export Import Total Total Total
Total 49,579 52,232 101,811 118,056 683,585
ASEAN 8,291 5,928 14,219 18,035 207,418
Brunei Darussalam 2 0 2 9 345
Cambodia 50 39 88 87 1,051
Indonesia 779 858 1,637 2,112 25,951
Lao PDR 8 11 19 31 150
Malaysia 655 1,024 1,679 2,181 26,723
Myanmar 27 43 70 87 1,013
Philippines 794 336 1,131 1,584 17,484
Singapore 1,573 1,136 2,710 2,700 30,553
Thailand 595 590 1,185 1,501 16,461
Vietnam 3,807 1,891 5,698 7,744 87,688
China 9,517 11,790 21,307 25,282 310,366
Japan 2,072 4,031 6,103 7,505 85,318

출처: 관세청 (월별 업데이트)

(총괄) 한국 수출 496억 달러(-14.3%), 수입 522억 달러(13.3%), 무역수지 27억 달러 적자 기록

(국가별 수출) 「제1차 수출전략회의」1) 에서 발표한 주요 지역 가운데 유럽연합(9.9%) 중동(31.3%)의 경우 자동차 수출 급증과 인프라 투자 관련 품목의 영향으로 증가세를 기록하였고, 반도체 수출 비중이 높은 중국(-26.5%) 아세안(-26.3%) 등에 대한 수출은 감소

(품목별 수출) 승용차, 선박 등의 수출은 증가한 반면, 반도체 수출은 9개월 연속 감소

(정책 방향) 정부는 수출 부진과 무역적자를 해소할 수 있도록 자원 부국 등 유망시장 진출 지원을 확대하고 반도체 등의 기술개발 투자, 첨단전략산업 특화단지 조성함으로써 수출 품목 시장 다변화를 추진할 계획

1) 22.11.23일 개최되었으며 아세안 정상 경제외교 주요 성과 등을 논의하였음.
(주력시장: 중국, 미국, 아세안, 전략시장: EU, 중남미, 중동) https://www.korea.kr/briefing/pressReleaseView.do?newsId=156538182

■ Korea-ASEAN Solidarity Initiative (KASI)

한-아세안 연대구상(KASI)의 추진 배경

한국 정부는 2022년 11월 11일 프놈펜에서 열린 한-아세안 정상회의에서 인도-태평양 전략의 틀 속에서 아세안에 특화된 협력을 위한 KASI의 추진을 선언했으며 이에 대한 이행계획이 최근 발표됨. 기존 경제·통상, 사회문화 분야 중심의 협력뿐만 아니라 국방, 해양안보, 방위산업, 기후변화 등 전통·비전통 안보와 더불어, 아세안의 미래 발전 분야 등 다양한 분야에서 포괄적 협력을 심화해 나가는 것을 목표로 함.

아세안은 한국에 △교역 2위 및 2위 투자 대상 △우리 국민의 1위 방문지 △양자 ODA 최대 공여 지역인 점을 미루어 보아 경제·사회문화 분야에서 높은 협력 관계를 지속해 오고 있음.

이처럼, 한국과 아세안은 중요한 파트너로 발전해 왔으며, KASI는 이러한 파트너십과 협력을 더욱 강화할 것으로 예상되고 있음.


■ Korea’s Trade to ASEAN Member States (As of April 2023)

Unit: 1 million (USD)

Country/Region April 2023 April 2022 2022
Export Import Total Total Total
Total 49,579 52,232 101,811 118,056 683,585
ASEAN 8,291 5,928 14,219 18,035 207,418
Brunei Darussalam 2 0 2 9 345
Cambodia 50 39 88 87 1,051
Indonesia 779 858 1,637 2,112 25,951
Lao PDR 8 11 19 31 150
Malaysia 655 1,024 1,679 2,181 26,723
Myanmar 27 43 70 87 1,013
Philippines 794 336 1,131 1,584 17,484
Singapore 1,573 1,136 2,710 2,700 30,553
Thailand 595 590 1,185 1,501 16,461
Vietnam 3,807 1,891 5,698 7,744 87,688
China 9,517 11,790 21,307 25,282 310,366
Japan 2,072 4,031 6,103 7,505 85,318

Source: Korea Customs Service

(Overview) In April 2023, Korea’s trade balance recorded a USD 2.7 billion deficit. Exports decreased by 14.3% year-on-year to USD 49.6 billion, while imports increased by 13.3%to USD 52.2 billion.

(By Country) Among the major regions that were mentioned in the first Export Strategy Meeting1) , Korea announced increasing export trends in European Union (9.9%) and Middle East (31.3%) due to a surge in automobile exports, as well as items related to investment on infrastructure. At the same time, a decrease in exports, particularly for semiconductor exports, were observed in China (-26.5%) and the ASEAN region (-26.3%).

(By Category) Sales in the ASEAN region increased for vehicles and maritime transport (ship), while export of semiconductors has decreased for the ninth consecutive month.

(Policy Directions) The Korean government will further expand market entry by providing financial support for Korean enterprises looking for opportunities in new markets, including in ASEAN countries, as well as by promoting other export-promotion policies. Additionally, Korea will also continue to invest in the ‘tech industry’ and further diversify its exporting partners and products by establishing specialized complex for national high-tech strategic industries.

1) The Meeting was held on 23 November 2022 that discussed major achievements regarding economic diplomacy of ASEAN leaders. [Main market: China, U.S.A, ASEAN Member States / Strategic market: EU, Central and South America, Middle East].

■ Korea-ASEAN Solidarity Initiative (KASI)

Korea’s new strategy for the Indo-Pacific region was first announced on 11 November 2022 at the 23rd ASEAN-ROK Summit in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. To put this commitment into action, Korea launched the Korea-ASEAN Solidarity Initiative (KASI), as a regional policy directive that is specifically tailored towards ASEAN member states. KASI builds on the existing solid partnership between Korea and ASEAN in trade, economy, and social-cultural areas, and aims to foster a more comprehensive partnership that encompasses cooperation in security (both traditional and non-traditional), as well as other future and emerging areas. Today, ASEAN is Korea’s second largest trading partner and its second largest investment destination. It is also the most popular travel destination for Koreans, who make up the second largest group of foreign visitors in ASEAN. Moreover, ASEAN is also Korea’s largest partner for development cooperation with around one-quarter to one-third of Korea’s bilateral ODA flowing into the region annually. As such, ASEAN and Korea have conspicuously evolved into indispensable partners to each other, and it is anticipated that KASI will strengthen and sustain this partnership and cooperation.  

